SL-RAT at Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority

Population: 200,000
Miles of Collection System: 1,100
SL-RAT User Since: 2015

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SL-RAT at Augusta Utilities Division, Georgia

Population: 190,000
Miles of Collection System:1,040
SL-RAT User Since: 2013

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Colorado Special Districts Pool Approves RH Borden Process

The Colorado Special Districts Property and Liability Pool announced the approval of an annual condition-based maintenance process provided by RH Borden “as an acceptable Best Practice alternative methodology for sewer maintenance as well as … fully compliant with the CSD Pool Sanitation Maintenance Warranty Program.” The SL-RAT helps collection system managers improve maintenance efficiency by identifying risk areas and reducing unnecessary cleaning. This approach helps to reduce water usage while integrating a process for maintaining a cloud-based GIS system of sewer assets.

The approval of this condition-based maintenance program allows CSD Pool members to receive a 5% group purchase discount on equipment and services from RH Borden, and “may effect a 33% discount on General Liability coverage.”

RH Borden has helped dozens of utilities in Utah and neighboring states with conducting acoustic inspections and manhole scanning. Learn more about RH Borden and Company here:

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Clarkdale Uses Sound to Detect Sewer Blocks

The Town of Clarkdale, Arizona, will be working with contractors, R.H. Borden and Co., to proactively find blockages in their system with the SL-RAT. Using acoustic inspection costs the city 10% of traditional technologies and will help to map their entire system.

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Town of Midland, Ontario, using SL-RAT to inspect sewers twenty times faster

The Town of Midland in Ontario, Canada is using the SL-RAT to speed up their inspection process. By using acoustic inspection technology, they can focus costly cleaning and CCTV resources and increase sewer maintenance efficiency.

“Not only is this innovative technology helping to save an immense amount of time, but it’s also saving a considerable amount of resources, allowing us to shift those to other projects.”

– André Pepin, Acting Manager of Water & Wastewater Services.

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Oak Ridge Public Works using SL-RAT to find blockages

Oak Ridge Public Works, Tennessee, is using the SL-RAT to screen for blockages in their small diameter sewer lines. It’s always a good idea to alert residents that they may hear unusual sounds coming from their sewers!

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Improving Cleaning Efficiency at City of Eagan, Minnesota

Eagan SL-RAT User

The City of Eagan in Minnesota suspected that significant resources were deployed to clean pipes that did not need maintenance through their time-based maintenance program. In 2018, Eagan started using the SL-RAT to screen pipes prior to cleaning. By using a summer crew to inspect their yearly cleaning objectives, they could save more than $150,000 and 3,000 crew hours annually that would have been used to clean pipes with plenty of flow capacity.

The SL-RAT is compact, it’s extremely reliable, it’s robust and it does exactly what it’s supposed to do. We wanted to be more efficient and the technology is viable for what we’re trying to do.Brent Massmann, Utilities Operations Supervisor | City of Eagan

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Clear Lines Provide Good Acoustics

Where did the idea for acoustic inspection technology come from? What makes the SL-RAT a valuable tool for collection systems maintenance? How has the technology developed with time? InfoSense’s CEO, Alex Churchill, answers these questions and many more in an interview with Municipal Sewer and Water.

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Bend, Oregon Incorporates Innovative Technologies to Meet Initiatives

The City of Bend (Oregon) Utility Department oversees 474 miles of pipe for it’s 94,000 residents. The city has experienced rapid population growth, from 34,000 in 1999 to 94,000 in 2019. Despite experiencing rapid population growth and development, the city has adopted new technologies to ensure that SSOs are down and preventative maintenance tasks are on target, without increasing staff headcount. One of the technologies Bend is utilizing is the Sewer Line Rapid Assessment Tool (SL-RAT). By using acoustic inspection technology to rapidly inspect lines, they are eliminating unnecessary cleaning, redundant vehicles and high energy labor practices.

Typically, our system is in good shape in newer areas where it is predominantly PVC and doesn’t need cleaning. This assessment tool helps us focus our line-cleaning and root0cutting efforts where we need it, such as the older parts of town. It is helping us get through our system better, faster and eliminating SSOs.”


– Orrin Libolt, Collection System Supervisor, City of Bend Utility Department

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Little Rock’s Award-winning Sewer Rehab Program Nixes Temporary Fixes

Although Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority experienced enough overflow issues to warrant a lawsuit by the Sierra Club and Administrative Order on Consent just twenty years ago, they now have an award-winning program in place that has significantly reduced SSO events. One of the tools driving LRWRA’s maintenance program is the SL-RAT. “Rather than committing to clean out sewer lines whether it’s needed or not, LRWRA is using acoustic monitoring to identify pipes that need attention.” By focusing efforts on areas that need attention, the Authority has reduced dry-weather overflows while reducing wasted resources.

I think rodding pipes every day for the sake of rodding is the old way of doing things… Not only is acoustic monitoring cost-effective, but it’s environmentally responsible as well. Do we really want an additional 15 trucks out there, spewing smoke and causing congestion?”

– Greg Ramon, CEO, Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority

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InfoSense, Inc.
2102 Cambridge Beltway Drive
Suite D-1
Charlotte, NC 28273