City of Augusta uses GIS and CityWorks to manage SL-RAT data (video)

When the City of Augusta started utilizing the SL-RAT to screen their collection system, they discovered that the SL-RAT generated a lot of valuable data at a rapid pace. They wanted to find a way to manage this process and have this information drive decision-making in the field. Augusta utilized their GIS system and CityWorks to automate this process.

We have quality, valuable information tied to our GIS system, so that you can evaluate things much more easier geographically.

– Jerry Philpot, Technical Support Systems Manager | Augusta, GA

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CityWorks Integration with SL-RAT in Augusta, GA

The Spring Edition of CityWorks’ InPrint publication highlights Augusta GA’s ability to streamline work processes through pairing two technologies. By integrating SL-RAT acoustic data with CityWorks software, they have established an automated system that allows for easy understanding and transparency of workflow. Creating such a process has allowed for improved response time to potential causes of SSOs.

“The response time was the biggest benefit for us. We had SL-RAT crews out in the field, and when they found blockages, they routed their inspection work order directly to their cleaning crews.”

– Jerry Philpot, IT & Technical Support Manager for Augusta, GA

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